VASEY Facility Solutions

Saying Goodbye to a Lifelong Friend

All of us at VASEY are mourning the loss of our fellow team member and friend, Michael Smith. Mike died in a vehicle accident in Hendricks County on Friday. He recently turned 65, had worked with VASEY team off and on for more than 25 years, and planned to retire at the end of this year to spend more time with his family. He was an Installer in our Project Department, and if you ever had [...]

Lifetime Achievement Award Ceremony & Dinner

In October of this year, VASEY Commercial Facility Solutions held a special celebration for its retiring founder, Bill Vasey and his wife, Karen. Mr. Vasey, who started the business four decades ago, has been a life-long pioneer in the HVAC industry.  More importantly, he always stressed bringing in good team members, giving them the autonomy to do their very best and create an atmosphere of family and caring. Creating a family-oriented workplace environment is one [...]

Need a Portable Air Conditioning System? Pioneer Hybrid Did!

Pioneer Hybrid, an agribusiness, had a traveling progress show. Due to the extensive summer heat, air conditioning for the tents was an absolute necessity. In order maintain a cool temperature in the tents, the cost for Pioneer Hybrid to rent the AC (Air Conditioning) equipment exceeded $100,000 per event. VASEY designed a system that could be erected for each event and then disassembled and stored in a trailer when not in use. The system could then [...]

St. Thomas Aquinas Church Needed a New System. They Called VASEY!

St. Thomas Aquinas has been a VASEY service and project customer since 2008. The customer was operating an antiquated boiler with associated equipment that performed poorly and was unable to keep up with facility demands. The bottom line was the church had a system that was highly inefficient and too costly to repair. “People pass out during Easter’s church services due to a lack of air conditioning and overheating in the sanctuary.” VASEY replaced the [...]

VASEY Solves Building Issues!

A building located at 3737 North Meridian, owned by Mays Property Management Company, has been a VASEY service and project customer since 2014. With multiple types of tenants (doctors, lawyers, and dentists offices) Mays Property lacked proper temperature control over their individual offices. The fluctuations created an uncomfortable environment for the property owner’s tenants as well as for the tenants’ clientele. Overall, the building lacked consistent attention of the mechanical systems which promoted uneven heating and [...]

Happy Independence Day from VASEY!

We are the land of the free, we are the home of the brave. Let's pay tribute to our brave American Heroes on this special day and forever. Factoid: Who came up with the 4th of July as a holiday? On July 4th, the Continental Congress formally adopted the Declaration of Independence, which had been written largely by Thomas Jefferson. Though the vote for actual independence took place on July 2nd, from then on, the 4th [...]

At VASEY We Help You Optimize Your Entire Facility!

VASEY is committed to helping our clients optimize their buildings and their budgets. Your property needs are evolving. We can help you navigate through complex sustainability and green initiatives – understanding and implementing them. We analyze your facility’s operating expenses – at every level. We can help you find areas of improvement in the management of your facility. With the increasing complexity of building systems and aging infrastructures, it’s important to know when systems require [...]

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