A global market leader in container manufacturing, specializes in creating sustainable and reusable logistics packaging solutions. With over 70 years of experience, the container manufacturer provides a wide range of plastic pallets, customizable boxes/containers including collapsible, folding, hazardous goods, large capacity, nestable, stackable, thermoforming and more.

Custom Engineered Nitrogen Testing Solution for Clean Room Environment
VASEY2025-01-26T09:49:24-05:00With a steadfast commitment to delivering superior products and services, SMC has established itself as a trusted partner in the industrial automation sector. This case study explains VASEY’s custom engineered nitrogen testing solution for SMC’s ISO-classified clean room environment.

VASEY Helps Manufacturer Solve Major Headache and Prevent Future Issues
VASEY2022-02-27T08:41:50-05:00Recently, VASEY designed and engineered a new air duct system after a paint booth fire, saving the manufacturer more than $250,000 in additional cost and downtime required to purchase and install a brand-new system.

American Athletic Footwear and Fashion Retail Chain
VASEY2021-09-29T17:48:00-04:00How do you successfully and expertly wield your power over an airborne beast? Specifically, a 2,500-pound HVAC rooftop unit? At VASEY, we do it with careful planning, detailed procedures, safety, and flawless execution.
Applebee’s Restaurants
VASEY2022-02-27T08:51:02-05:00Imagine. You’re the restaurant manager at Indiana’s top grossing Applebee’s restaurant. It’s your peak service time. You hear hustling, bustling and laughter. Indoor customers are enjoying their meals, planning their weekend activities, and keeping socially distant. Carryout, curbside pick-up, and delivery orders are flying out the door – left and right. Then, BAM it hits! Your sanitary sewer line clogs and it’s backing up.
Pharmaceutical Compounding
VASEY2022-05-19T07:07:43-04:00Build sterile cleanrooms units to account for extreme temperature and humidity differentials since the modular units are leased anywhere in the United States. For example, a unit that is in Tampa, Florida, may be relocated to Seattle, Washington, within the next year. Circulate 100% outside air to prevent any cross-contamination, keeping the compounding teams safe.